About Us
SupplySA has been the leader in providing what is needed and getting it where it’s needed for 17 years. With factories, manufacturers, and warehouses across the world we have adapted to what markets need and included new ways of servicing our clients in every way that they need.
How it all started
Started in 2003 to effectively help in securing and exporting products to African countries, SupplySA grew each year to specialize in providing what people needed. When markets dropped in the mid-2000s we helped securing unique items for African countries when we saw markets that needed boosts.
SupplySA quickly grew to specialize in connecting clients across the world with products that they needed. Our main clientele required that we source large manufacturing plants across the world that could easily create any customized product in bulk. We quickly learned how to import and distribute any product under the sun.
However, as times changed, we started changing and our products moved away from being varied and turned into a set of specialized items that only a few markets required.
Becoming Specialised
In 2019 we saw massive changes in how our clients worked, moving away from large amounts of gift buying or looking for promotional items. Instead we were contacted and asked to supply products that were specialized in certain fields. To fulfil these orders, we restricted our international manufacturing facilities, acquiring certifications to enter fields that have tight tolerances.
When 2020 started we were ready to restructure ourselves to accommodate the large amount of personal protective equipment (PPE) we had started to import. However, owing to circumstances outside of our control we soon had to turn our attention to providing more than just PPE for miners and manufacturing facilities.
Our international manufacturing facilities were soon ordered to help in relief work by manufacturing masks, gloves, face shields and everything else needed to assist in medical fields. This meant that we soon had to turn our attention to becoming even more specialized, SupplySA went through the certification process and licensing required to supply Medical Equipment to its clients.
Providing what others can’t
With our own manufacturers, large warehouses, and existing network we quickly became one of the worlds leaders in providing medical safety equipment to everyone. As one of the only companies that has been able to keep pricing on all medical equipment from increasing, we have become a pillar in the African market.
Each day there are thousands of masks, gloves and other medical safety equipment being processed and distributed across the continent. This equipment helps thousands of people to keep safe from harm when placed in dangerous situations.
When others in the market are failing to have a steady supply of products SupplySA has continued to effectively supply latex and nitrile gloves, masks of every type and protection equipment for nurses and doctors on the frontlines of controlling the pandemic that is taking over the world in 2020.